Hi Everybuddy!
Yesterday we went to petshop for my bath.
First of all, I gave some toys to the dogs of the adoction fair. I said hello to my friends there.
Stephanie and the Mascot of the fair of adoction. He is there all the weekends.

Looks like all the dogs in the fair is saying:
Take me to your home. Be my family!
In the petshop we meet Joey, a German Shepherd four months old.

We meet this boy Zeca.
We can´t see your eyes, Zeca!
Zeca kissed Stephanie. He liked my sister.

We meet that Golden Boy!
He almost left his mark on a package of kibbles. Bad boy!
This is my cocker friend Nick.

That Lab called Thor with a green tongue.

Even in the bath the camera is chasing me.
Me and my friend Joey.


Golden Boy tried to jump the tub to get your leash.

He got your leash but that man put it away.

Joey, me and the hair dryer.


My sister and that boy was green. What happened??

That man have a hard time trying to bath Golden Boy.
He doesn´t like baths!

Joey was putting the tie and ready to go home.

And Joey got a piercing in your nose??

I got a piercing too!!
Thor xoxoxo