Sunday, August 17, 2008

My little doggie

Olá Amigos!

Este pequeno cão pertenceu as minhas irmãs quando elas eram bebês. Tem cheiro de criança pequena. Agora ele é o meu bichinho. Está comigo há vários dias. Eu tomo conta dele. Eu levo ele para debaixo da cama da mamãe onde ele fica protegido. Nós temos tanta diversão juntos. Ás vezes, ele apenas fica ao meu lado, em silêncio e eu dou algumas lambidas nele. Ele precisa de um bom banho.
Oops! Pobre cão! Uma orelha está faltando. E onde foi parar o seu focinho? O que pode ter acontecido com ele? Quem teria feito essa terrível maldade?
Desculpe, meu pequeno cão! Eu jamais poderia ter deixado você perder a sua orelha e o seu focinho! :(

Hi Friends!

This little dog belonged to my sisters when they were babies. He smells small child. Now he is my stuffie. He has been with me a few days. I take good care of him. I take it under Mom's bed where he is protected. We have so much fun together. Sometimes, he is just next to me in silence and I give he some licks. He needs a good bath.
Oops! Poor dog! One ear is missing. And where is his nose? What may have happened? Who would have done this terrible evil?
Sorry, my little doggie! I could never have left you lose your ear and your nose! :(

Hum! Eu encontrei o meu pai com o meu pequeno cão!!!!
Hmm I found my daddy with my little dog!!!!


Sami & Baylee said...

Thor what a nice doggie you have. So nice of your sis's to give it to you. Did daddy want to play with your doggie too?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is khwite a khute stuffie!

AND woo know it is when your dad wants it TOO!!


Hero said...

You have a very cute stuffie, Thor. Most of my stuffies once belonged to my mom and all of them are puppies just like yours! I like to use mine as pillows.

Girasol said...

That stuffie dog is so cute, I'm sure you will take care of him.

Lacy said...

w00f's Thorm, hmm ur sisters prolly ate the puppies ear and nose off b4 they gived it to nos u woodnt do it...

b safe,

Charlie Daniels said...

Stuffies don't last very long at my place. I think they must all be faulty!



River said...

Stuffies do not live long, I think. Things fall off them through no fault of yours! Thank you for your kind thoughts for my mom. She is home resting with us now.

love & wags,

Kess And Her Mama said...

Hmm.. Who was the culprit? Have fun with your lil' doggie.

Unknown said...

Sweet pictures of Thor and his "baby"!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

I was always wondering where the noses and eyeballs on my toys went! Do you think someone is stealing them while we sleep?

I think you still have the most amazing tongue that I have ever seen!!!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow...that is a really cute little doggie you got there,Thor! Love that picture of you giving it licks...=)


Noah the Airedale said...

That stuffie looks in great condition Thor. Our stuffies are usually ripped to shreds lol.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

the many Bs said...

Hi Thor,

that's a nice little doggy stuffy and it's nice of you to share him with your dad. it's too bad he is starting to fall apart. stuffies do that sometimes.


☮momoKo said...

Hi,Thor!The look that you watch Your little doggie is gentle.

Deetz said...

You gots a puppy too? That is sooo cool. My mum hasn't gotten me a puppy yet, she is still undecided...I hope mine has a nose

Davis, o nosso shar pei said...

Olá Thor!!Espero que tudo esteja bem contigo,já vi que tens um novo-bem, não muito novo, mas muito querido brinquedo!Eu estou bem,ultimamente nem tenho ido ao vet o que para mim são óptimas notícias!!!Agora é Verão aqui, está calor e eu tenho aproveitado o ar livre com a minha dona!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Thor -

Your little dog is so cute! I (Hershey) am getting better with my new duck. I have't taken the feet off or bitten off the beak but I like to take him outside - this drives Mama crazy.

Hope you had a good weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Van Dog said...

os câezinhos de peluche que me chegam às patas ficam sempre sem focinho, sem orelhas, sem recheio...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Thor!
Your Dad did it! He stole doggie's ear and nose! I know that!
Kisses and hugs

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh my he need nose and ear transplant?

i said...

How cute! What were your daddy doing with your little doggie?

Chat Gris said...

Hehehe! eu também adoro o meu cachorro de peluche!

Abby said...

Hi, Thor...

Did your Daddy take the little dog's ear & nose?

I love my stuffies, too...

Abby xxxooo

Snoop Lim aka Noop Noop said...

Thor! *whisper to Thor* I think ur Daddy chew off ur precious lil doggie ear and nose!

☮momoKo said...

Hi!Thor.Thank you for the message of the celebration.Your daddy looks happy.

Unknown said...

hola amigo.. como estas'??
asi que perrito nuevo... wowwwwwwwwwww
me gustan los peluches
te mandamos un abracito

Eunice Rosado said...


Adoro-vos Cães said...

Que querido *.*

Adoro-vos Cães said...

Que querido *.*

Yogui said...

Una historia adorable.... me gustó mucho
Un lametón