Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Olá Amigos! Hoje é quarta-feira e mais uma vez eu não fiz nada. Passei o dia dormindo na minha cama no meio da sala. Não se preocupem, eu estou bem.
Desculpem-me por não ter atualizado o meu blog e visitado os teus blogs. Mamãe voltou ao trabalho na semana passada e tem estado muito ocupada para me ajudar. Espero que a mamãe tenha menos trabalho e que possa me ajudar no blog logo.

Hey Friends! Today is Wednesday and once again I did nothing. I spent the day sleeping in my bed in the middle of the room. Don´t worry, I'm fine. Excuse me for not having updated my blog and visiting your blogs. My Mom returned to work last week and she has been very busy for help me. I hope Mom has less work and she can help me on the blog soon.


Mason Dixie said...

Tell your mom I miss having you around, and to stop working to help you blog. =) Good to see you are doing well.

Kelli said...

Hi Thor!
I'm glad you are ok! I hope your mom can help you blog more soon! Don't you hate it when peoples are too busy to help us blog?
:) Tibby

Homer said...

Hi Thor,

I have been away from your blog for a while. How are you doing my friend?


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Miss you, Thor, but you have the same problem I have with my mom's work. Work always gets in the way.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hey Handsome!

I understand...I've been making sure my mom lets me do my blogs before she gets to do too much work stuff - BOL!

Have a great rest of yours!


Aki and Poopie said...

we are glad you are okay there thor. i guess that is a common sentiment for us dogs buddy. if only all hooman pawrent is filthy rich and does not need to work then it would be heaven everyday for us.

drooly kisses,


Lorenza said...

Hi, Thor!
Glad to know you are ok!
Don't worry! We understand your mom is busy with her work.
Kisses and hugs

Wei Qian said...

I hope your mummy spend lesser time working and spend more time on your blog. Cos i love reading your blog XD hahaha

best regards

Allison Walton said...

We hope so too, Thor! We miss you!

Gus and Waldo

Unknown said...

Good to hear you are ok Thor. We've missed seeing you. Sweet picture!

Rambo said...

it is sad when the human has to work and the bloggies get ignored. Glad you had a nice relaxing day.
Rambo the chi

Lacy said...

w00f's Thor, me iz sooo glad to heaqr from u, me misses ur smiling face...sumtimes they git busy, i guess we will haff to furgive them or they wont give us any treats...

b safe,

Dughallmor Beagles said...

We missed you too! But worries dude, sometimes life gets in the way with the beans eh?
You will just have to go to the future with Ruby Isabella, where dogs have thumbs and keep beans as pets...BOL!
Hope you're back soon friend, that's a cute photo :o)
Slobbers xx

Amber-Mae said...

Heya Thor! Here's hoping that you will find something great to do later...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Yogui said...

No me creo que hayas estado descansando... ¿y tú trabajo?, Vamos a ver, ¿comprobaste que tu nuevo sofá siga mullidito y caliente para cuando lleguen tus bipes?, ¿y qué hay de vigilar por la ventana y husmear si pasa alguien?... esos trabajos son muy cansados y tenemos que tomar pequeños respiros pero no me creo que hayas vagueado...;-D

Simba and Jazzi said...

Catching up on your nap time is very important.

Simba and Jazzi

Anonymous said...

Oi!Meu nome é Ginger,sou uma Rottweiler,e também tenho um blog,o endereço é:

Por favor,entre nele.Ah,e eu esqueci de dizer,eu SEMPRE leio seu blog,porque ele é muito legal.......

Abby said...

Hi, Thor...

I like to nap when my Mom is busy, too...

Nice to hear from you...I missed your handsome face...

Abby xxxooo

Chow Chow said...

I miss you and your adventures, Thor!

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

you miss us a lot!!!!
how can we live without your blog and your wonderful adventures????but the important for us is that you're ok!!!!
hope your mum will have more time to post on your blog and for sty with you!!!!!
Kisses ad licks!!!!!

Moco said...

Napping is good. We totally understand that the humans have difficulty keeping up with all we want sometimes. It is just their way.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Tell mom not to work so hard. You need some mom time too..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Stanislaw said...

Dude... I'm going through withdrawal. I need to see your handsome beastly face causing trouble and having fun!

Pri said...

Tenho um presente pra você no meu blog!!!

Llobu Astur Boyero de Berna said...

Hi Thor, i love reading your blog.
kisses and licks

Anonymous said...

Hi Thor! Nice to see you! Hey, catching up on your zzzz's isn't so bad at all!

See ya!

Kiddo said...

Hello Thor! I am Kiddo! Nice to meet you!

Bae Bae said...

I hope you have a comfy sleep. ;)

~ Bae

Noah the Airedale said...

These humans always disappear to that horrible place called work. They should just stay home and help us blog. Oh well. We understand about busy humans Thor.
Have a great weekend.


TINA said...

ola Thor voce es muito bello

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Thor ... doing nothing once in a while is great. Woof! Sugar

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Hi Thor,

Sleeping and resting is good.

We hope you get back to blogging again soon. We have not been keeeping up with everyone as much ourselves lately.

Holly & Zac...XX

Martha said...

Our mum has been quite good cos she is still new to blogging - being a human we expect she will be too busy soon!
We did miss you too.
Martha & Bailey xx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Come on over you can go to the lake with us...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Byron y Xinver said...

Hola Thor, bueno saber de ti. Take care of your Mom.

Adoro-vos Cães said...

Já somos dois amigo =P
Tão lindo Thor !


Papinhas said...

Oi thor, que vidinha chata a tua hein??? heheh

Cada um tem aquilo que merece né??!

