Hoje, dia 25 de janeiro é aniversário da cidade de São Paulo. O tempo estava um pouco frio e todo mundo me levou ao petshop para um bom banho. Precisei descer uma grande escada e aquilo me assustou. De repente, minha família toda foi embora e eu fiquei latindo, sozinho com aquelas pessoas estranhas.
Saí de lá bonito, perfumado e todo feliz de ter a minha família ao meu lado novamente!
Hi, Thor!
Congratulations to Sao Paulo!
You look very handsome after your bath!
I'd be scared with stairs and being with strangers giving me a bath! But sure you did well!
Have a great weekend
You look very smart in your tie.
Simba x
Que estilo :D
festinhas e bom fim de semana
Thor, you look really good after your bath! I'm scared too being taken away by some stranger & then given a bath by that person.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Anniversary to Sao Paulo!
You look really good after your bath, Thor! :-)
Hey there Thor!
That's a great look fur you!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey Thor!
Glad you agree with me that the sofa is a great spot!
Have a nice weekend as well!
Wags and licks,
I like your cool tie! and you look so happy.
Hello! Thank you for stopping by our blog! I see you also like to chew on mobile phones, hehehe! Great blog, love the pictures (I agree you look very nice in your tie)!
have fun, B&X
Happy Anniversary to Sao Paulo.
You look lovely after your bath Thor.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Ah! Muito bem! (A minha Doninha também gosta da Kitty)
Uau! De gravata e tudo... Que luxo, Thor!
Hello Thor! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I like your necktie.
Your friend, Lenny
It looks like your family loves you a lot!
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