Saturday, March 21, 2009

Award, Vet e Spa

Oi Galera!
Eu recebi de meus queridos amigos Snowy e Crystal o Friendship Rose Award :D
Muito Obrigado, Snowy e Crystal!

Hi everybody!
I received from my dear friends Snowy and Crystal the Friendship Rose Award :D
Thank you so much, Snowy and Crystal!
It´s an honor to be your friend! Love you!

Hoje eu fui ao vet.
A doutora foi muito simpática e disse que eu estou bem.
Today I went to the vet.
The doctor was very nice and said I'm fine.

Então eu fui tomar banho.
So I was bathing.

O cão a minha direita era enorme.
A sua raça é pouco conhecida no Brasil,
é um descendente do Mastiff.

The doggie on my right was huge.
The race is little known in Brazil, is a descendant of the Mastiff.

A minha esquerda , havia um Golden tomando banho.
On the left, there was a Golden bathing.

Ei cara! Tire-me daqui!
Hey man! Get me outta here!

Aquela garota queria me conhecer!
That girl wanted to know me!


That pobre cão queria sair dali correndo!
That poor doggie wanted to get out there running!

Aqueles dois cães esperavam por seus pais para irem embora.
Those two dogs was waiting for their parents to go home.

Aquele cãozinho fazia muitas poses para a minha mãe.
That doggie was doing many poses for my mom.

Aquele cãozinho tinha apenas 2 meses e foi ali para tomar vacina.
Uma gracinha!
That puppy was only 2 months and was there to be vaccinated.
So cute!

Outro Golden estava sendo escovado.
Another Golden was being brushed.

O secador para este cãozinho era uma tortura.
The hair dryer for this dog was a torture.

O casal queria me conhecer.
They wanted to know me.

O coelhinho deles estava doente :(
Your bunny was sick :(

O secador é uma tortura!
The hair dryer is torture!

Eu estou cheiroso!
I smell good!

Eu estou muito bonito!
I am very handsome!

Adoro visitar o viveiro.
I love visiting the garden.

É uma pena que eu não posso passar um pee-mail lá.
Too bad I can not send pee-mail there.

Fomos passear na loja.
We walk in the store.

Eu ganhei um lindo brinquedo.
I got a beautiful toy.

Na saída da loja, encontrei um amigo.
Leaving the store, I found a friend.

Ele era como eu . Ou quase!
Na verdade eu era mais elegante.
He was just like me. Or almost.
Actually, I was more elegant than him.
Ele pulou no papai.
He jumped on Daddy.

Tchau amigo!
Bye buddy! See you another day!
Espero que vocês tenham um ótimo fim de semana!
I hope you all have a great weekend!


Lacy said...

w00f's Thor, ur such a handsome guy pup...u made a lots of friends at that place...they lemme dry all naturallll, me skeered of loud sounds..

b safe,

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hehe, you have such an exciting life Thor, you get to go cool places and meet lots of new friends :D Congratulations on yet another award, they are coming thick and fast for you now, our smiley buddy!
Slobbers and a Happy Sunday xx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Thor!
You did lots of things there at the vet!
Glad to know you are healthy!
Kisses and hugs

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Did you have bath at the Vet?
That 2 months old puppy is so cute, your tongue is impressively long, Thor.
Please swing by my blog to see Springtime, Thor.

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

another GREAT day with your family!!
you're a lucky boy!!
look like you had a wonderful look sooooooooooo happy!!!
we hate having bath...luckily our mom and dad made us a bath seldom!!!
we love a lot watching your photos...lots of toys in the shop....lots of friends...wish were with you!!!
you look sooooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!!!
and we're glad you're healthy!!!
lots of love and kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is grrreat news your trip to the vet went so well!

...and that woo got to see so many furiends!


Suzuki said...

Hi Thor!
I thought I would stop by to let you know that if you are lookin' fur love you should stop by my blog as my brother Scooby has started a new "business". Come by and check it out.
Big licks to you

Abby said...

Hi, Thor...

You get a bath at the Vet?

Hmmm...I have to go to the Spa for that...

As always, you look beautiful...

Abby xxxooo

Mason Dixie said...

You do look very handsome after your spa treatment and glad to hear you have a clean bill of health. Lots of pups there for you to meet and a new toy!! =)

kishiko said...

Hi Thor!
Wow, your vet looks fun, does not look like a vet. Yeah, You look very handsome!
wag wag

Faya said...

Nice to read that you are healthy ! It is the most important and of course, yes, you are very handsome ! Dyos will have his first bath next week....hahahah poor Dyos.
Have a nice sunday !
Kisses, Faya

☮momoKo said...

Hi! Thor.
Leo left today toward Sao Paulo where you live.

Heart of goldie

Snowy and Crystal said...

We are happy to hear that you are in good shape and doing well ^_^ WOW you met a lot of doggies at the vet =D



Martha said...

Hi Thor
Well you were beautiful before but now you are quite the pampered pouch!
How lovely and clean until the next muddy puddle.
We are glad the Vet found you to be fit and healthy - you certainly look to be in fine form to us.
Lovely to see all the dogs you met - and even one the same as you! Not just as beautiful though!
lots of love
Martha & Bailey xx

Wei Qian said...

Hello Thor,

i think you smell great after your bath XD

thanks for sharing all those pictures with us!

best regards

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What an exciting time at the groomers. You look so good and we bet you do smell great. Mom says we kind of smell like the lake. Now why would she thing that?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Stanislaw said...

Enjoy your new toy! You deserve it!

Moco said...

You are one busy fellow. No wonder your tongue hangs out all the time.

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Thor
Congrats on your award.
Your are the most handsome dog at the spa.
Love Ruby & Penny

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What an exciting day you had Thor. Your vets be way more interesting than mine! Was you not scared of them hairdryers? You is very brave!
~lickies, Ludo

Chat Gris said...

Oh Thor! que aventura! passeio e banho e aí estás tu, cheiroso e o simpático de sempre!
Bom domingo!

Girasol said...

look at you so fresh, happy and handsome!
Congrats on the Rose award.

Rambo said...

Yes...I agree you are the most handsome golden. And you must smell pawsome. I hate taking a b---. I can't even say the word, it makes me shiver.
Congrats on your award!
Rambo the chi

Golden Samantha said...

Thor! Congratulations on your award - it's a lovely one! Gee, you sure do get around - vet, doggie toy store, park, but no pee mail, a huge social life and a bath (not in that order, but...) - what a day in the life!
xo Sammie
Pee Ess: Thank you so much for your get well wishes, I am on the mend. -Sammie

Homer said...

Hi Thor,

Glad that you have a clean bill of health from the vet.

We think you are one handsome boy!


Noah the Airedale said...

Wow what a day you had Thor. Of course you look very handsome. Glad your trip to the vet went well.


Anonymous said...

Ontem também fomos à cobasi vila lobos, fomos como sempre comprar comidinhas e também uma casa móvel, puxa como tem coisa por lá :)

mas eu não tomo banho lá:)


My Two Best Friends said...


We have missed you and your beautiful pictures so much! Congratulations on your awards!!! What a great day you had at the beauty parlor! Do you love going there except for the blower part? New Toys sound great and of course, you are so much more beautiful than that golden you saw leaving the store!
Hugs, Have a great week!
Thor and Marco Polo

Pedro said...

OMD! Dawgs all over the world are being subjected to soapy water torture! I can't believe this abuse is so widespread!


Southbaygirl said...

Thor I don't know if I would allow anyone to bathe me like that! And use a hair dryer!!! No way! I bet you smell super nice now!!! And you look beautiful!!



Selba said...

Wow!!! A spa? Thor... you are so lucky!

Adele, Vincent & Bella

Yogui said...

Pues aquí los perriatras dan bastante canguelo...

Sara Alves said...

:) agora já estás todo limpinho e bonitão para as garotas:)


Duke said...

Hi Thor!
We've never met you but we've seen you comment on lots of blogs! Travis chose you for his next blog review so we wanted to come and say hi and get to know you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Byron y Xinver said...

Hola Thor, great adventures! It's funny that place where you are bathed and everybody can see you!

Sue said...

Thor, you look very handsome after you bath and comb out. We all went to the spa this week and got haircuts and baths, too. Then we came home and rolled in the grass.

the many Bs said...

hi Thor, you are so handsome after your spa treatment. that looked like quite an adventure. there are a lot of dogs there, but you are the most handsome of all of them.


Pipa said...

Que dia em cheio, Thor!
Ficaste lindo lindo!



Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like a fun day at the spa.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Adoro-vos Cães said...

Sempre a passear =D

Assim é que Thor. Para ficares ainda mais lindo


Anonymous said...

Hi Thor! Congratuations on that nice award! That place where you get baths sure is interesting.

See ya!

Hero said...

You're always a handsome guy, Thor! You sure did meet a lot of new friends. Too bad they didn't like the hair dryer. I love feeling the warm air fluff up my manly chest hair!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

What a great day you had! Was that like a doggie washing machine?
You are handsome, for sure, like I always say!

Anonymous said...

Heya Thor,
Your vet's is like a health and beauty spa. We really enjoyed all the pictures and sharing you adventure. We popped over from Travis' blog. Stop by our place sometime and say hello. you'll find us at
- The Bumpass Hounds

Kess And Her Mama said...

Congratulations on your award! You deserve it. You sure made lots of friends at the groomers!

Rute said...

Lindo como sempre :)


Van Dog said...

A tua agenda é sempre muito preenchida... Cão sortudo, assim não há tédio nunca! :)

Juno said...

Great documentary of your day!! Thor, you look so handsome!!

Momo & Pinot

Dino and Family said...

Hey Thor, congrats on your lovely award! It was a nice spa day for you, I am so happy you had a great day and a good report at the vet. Woof with love, Dino

Tee said...

Hello! you look very handsome after your bath! That's some major establishment where you are - with all that going on for pets!

I'm really impressed!

Licks and Wags

Tuffy of DOg WOods

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mason Dixie sent us to say hello. Congrats on your beautiful award. Looks like there are a lot of
Goldens there but you are the most handsome one.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Sami & Baylee said...

You are very handsome Thor!