Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I-dog não !

No último domingo meus donos foram ao Mc Donalds e não me levaram! Odeio quando eles fazem isso!

Tudo porque as minhas irmãs queriam trazer para casa os I-dog que vinham junto com os Mc Lanche Feliz! Eles cantam, latem, acendem luzes e só! Mais nada!

Preciso ver de perto!

Não é legal!



Lorenza said...

Hi, Thor!
Those I-Dogs are funny!
I hope you did not eat that one!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Those dogs look funny. Are they fun to play with?

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

Strange looking creatures, do they bite?

Simba x

Girasol said...

Idogs are not our competition that's for sure!

Rute said...

Que giros:) se houvesse por cá esses bonecos no mac donalds também ia buscar um:)

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Thor
We think you're more fun than an I-dog. Did they bring you back a treat?

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

i said...

Real dogs are so much more fun.

caniche vagabundo said...

É uma doidice! Ahahah...

Amber-Mae said...

What weird looking dog robots they are!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Your beautiful. We don't know what it says but we don't need too...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

SCOTTY said...

Eu adoro ir ao Mc porque sobram sempre umas batatitas para mim.