Monday, July 21, 2008


Olá Amigos!
Hi Friends!

Meus amigos Yogui e Gorda, convidaram-me para um quirk.
My friends Yogui and Gorda tagged me for a quirk.

Aqui estão as regras
Here are the rules

1-Enlazar al blog que nos invitó.
Link to the one who tagged you.
2-Escribir las reglas en el blog.
List the rules on your blog.
3-Contar 6 cosas extrañas sobre nosotros.
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4-Enviar el quirk a algunos amigos y poner sus enlaces
Tag some blogger friends with links.
5-Dejarles un comentario en su blog para que sepan del quirk.
Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.

Aqui vou eu!
Here I go!

1 - Faço minhas refeições somente na madrugada e depois que todos foram dormir.
I only make my meals in the dawn and after all my hoomans had been to sleep.
2 - Durmo embaixo da cama dos meus pais e no sofá . Não gosto de camas para cães e cobertores.
I sleep under of the bed of my parents and in the sofa. I don´t like dog´s bed and blankets.
3 - Dormir nos quatro cantos do sofá em uma soneca só.
I sleep in the four sides of the sofa in one nap.
4 - Quando vou passear, não deixo que me coloquem a coleira.
When I go for a walkie, I don´t leave that they place me the collar.
5 - Latir sem parar quando minhas irmãs ou meus pais se afastam de mim durante um passeio.
To bark without stopping when my sis or my parents if move away from me during a walkie.
6 - Latir para portas fechadas.
To bark for closed doors.

Eu vou convidar Girasol e Nano Frontera para este quirk.
I will tag Girasol e Nano Frontera for this quirk.



Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is great.. You need to keep your eye on that family so they don't get away..
Thanks for your comments about Callie. We are hoping she heals quickly to so she can get home. The house is just to quiet..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Thor!
This is the 3rd time I try to leave you a comment! Blogger is mean sometimes!
Those are real quirks!
Barking at closed doors? Ha!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

You have interesting quirks, Thor! I don't like to sleep on doggie bed too!

Yogui said...

Interesante eso de ladrar a las puertas cerradas, nunca se me habría ocurrido pero tienes mucha razón...¿Por qué se cierran las puertas?...
Me gustó eso de ir a dormir cerca de tus papis o en el sofá... tengo que ponerlo en práctica.
Un lametón

Simba and Jazzi said...

Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend.

Simba x

Amber-Mae said...

I only like to sleep on the floor. No sofas or beds for me!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Papinhas said...

Thor, já nasceram!!!



☮momoKo said...

Hi,Thor.Nelsinho Piquet and Felipe Massa did goog job with the German grand prix.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh... that's interesting information on you Thor. :) I like that cute photo of your nose

~ Girl girl

Amber said...

Hey Thor, you have a cute nose :)
interesting quirks!


Van Dog said...
