Hi Everybuddy!
Yesterday we went to petshop for my bath.
First of all, I gave some toys to the dogs of the adoction fair. I said hello to my friends there.
Stephanie and the Mascot of the fair of adoction. He is there all the weekends.

Looks like all the dogs in the fair is saying:
Take me to your home. Be my family!
In the petshop we meet Joey, a German Shepherd four months old.

We meet this boy Zeca.
We can´t see your eyes, Zeca!
Zeca kissed Stephanie. He liked my sister.

We meet that Golden Boy!
He almost left his mark on a package of kibbles. Bad boy!
This is my cocker friend Nick.

That Lab called Thor with a green tongue.

Even in the bath the camera is chasing me.
Me and my friend Joey.


Golden Boy tried to jump the tub to get your leash.

He got your leash but that man put it away.

Joey, me and the hair dryer.


My sister and that boy was green. What happened??

That man have a hard time trying to bath Golden Boy.
He doesn´t like baths!

Joey was putting the tie and ready to go home.

And Joey got a piercing in your nose??

I got a piercing too!!
Thor xoxoxo
You get fun ever during your bath! I hate taking a bath, I get really sad! :)
I loved your piercing!
looks like you enjoy your bath more than I do - I don't know about that piercing - I wouldn't like that at all
Another fun day fur woo!
That was furry nice of woo to give what woo did!
Tank woo fur sharing evfurrything with us!
I love to get a bath because then you get to play with the towels!
Why didn' you turn green, Thor. We like your bling.
Tucker and Daisy
Hi, Thor...
You are happy no matter what you are doing...
No wonder you have sooo many friends...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, Thor!
Sure you had a pawesome spa day!
And you got a piercing!! Wow!
I like it!
Kisses and hugs
You do so well at the groomers. what is the piercing for?
Hi Thor
You looks so handsome. We love the nose ring.
Love Ruby & Penny
You have a lot of great friends.
I don't get baths, I only give myself a bath, because I don't like water.
Un buen baño cuando hace calorcito siempre está bien, y si es con los amigos ¡para que contar más!.
Me tien intrigado el perrito verde ese... ya nos contarás.
You have friends everywhere. Have a good week, Thor.
You turn every outing into a fun packed adventure. What lovely dogs you met and how beautiful you look today!
Very cool piercing! You will have to let us know how that works.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
w00fs, me liked ur friends, heehee but not the baff...and heck nooo,no piercing...me wood run really fast..
b safe,
Hehe, you are such a good boy in the bath, you could teach that other Goldie a thing or two....and you always look so handsome! You get to meet so many new friends on your spa days too :D
We could never forget you.....but the humans all seem to be too busy to blog these days, must be the weather!
Love you lots bud!
Slobbers xx
I still cas not believe you like getting baths.
hy thor friend..
your bath store is grate.. and very big..
our bath store is underground...
send you all our love
You sure met a lot of friends there. It all looks good accept the bath part!!
Did you really get a piercing or is it a fake? It is nice looking though..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Vê-se que todos os cães adoram a tua irmã, Thor...
Cão vaidoso, hem?
Thanks for introducing all your friends, Thor. And that piercing is very cool. I might try that, if my mommy lets.
tão giros !
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