Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dog Park and Awards!

Sun, mud and a ball!

There were many dogs and their humans in the park.
A sunny and warm day. I was thirsty.
Meeting new friends.

Goldens surrounded Daddy!

Lots of pee-mails to read and send.

Scooby called every doggie to play with him.

Come on guys! The mud is delicious!

More drink!

This golden boy is Galego! He is five old months!
Galego, me and Daddy!

Posing for Mommy.

This basset is only four old months.

That woman wanted petting me. Awwwwww!

Father and son.

What a fun day! =)

In other news, I received the delicious The being on the Cake Award from my good friend Cocorue.

Thank you so much, Coco! =)

And the cool Best of Pals Award from my good friends Martha andBailey!
Thank you so much Martha and Bailey! =)

Hope everyone is having a pawsome weekend!



Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what a great time you had. We would be right there in the mud with Scooby..
Congrad's on your awards..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

JacksDad said...

What a bunch of really good pictures. Everyone looks like they had a good time.

The mud puddle would be just too tempting I'm afraid!!

Adoro-vos Cães said...

Que diversão :D

Parabens pelos premios


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh how fun, group sniffing too. Looks like every breed is there. Do I look like the white fluffy dog, Thor?
Congrats on the Awards, my dear.

Mason Dixie said...

Congrats on your awards and wow you sure a very social guy. So many new friends and oh the pup in the mud!! where were his humans? mom would not have allowed me in the car after that. he he

Sierra Rose said...

Hi Thor! Love the spooky wallpaper here!
Great day at the parkie, yea! That was a swimming pool size mud puddle. Horay!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Thor You sure did a great FUN day at the park. Glad that you were able to resist joining Scooby in the mud pool. Congrats to your awards. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Another pawesome day fur woo at the park!

So many khool furiends!

Khongrats on your pawesome awards too!


Southbaygirl said...

hi Thor!! Mom and i can't believe how many dogs you were playing with at the park!!! that would be too many for me!!! It must be nice to have so many friends!!



Maxmom said...

Hey there, Thor
What another fun day in your park. Wish we had a park like that! We really love that picture of Scooby!...I can just imagine those humans trying to stop you guys from going into the mud?!?
Anyway, glad you enjoyed your day and congratulations on all the lovely awards.

Mochi and Bali said...

Great pics of you and your friends! I love your posing pic! :)

Did you get to play in the mud? It looked fun!


Mr. Puggle® said...

oh the mud! bet the dogs had fun.

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

I wouldn't go in that mud either, BOL!
So many Goldens... what a great day at the park!


Martha said...

Hi Thor, congratulations on your Awards - we are so glad you are one of our best pals!
We just loved the great pics of the dog park.
That Scooby sounds just like our kinda dog - we love the mud!
We were very happy to see the puppy basset!!!!
Lots of great dogs - you are always happy to meet the other dogs and socialise - that is very good.
lots of love
Martha & Bailey xxx

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Thor
That Scooby is too funny. He's up to his neck in mud.
Congrats on your awards.
Love Ruby & Penny

Augie and Ti's mom said...

You always have the best time at the park! That was some big mud puddle LOL I'd die if my dogs went in it!

Duke said...

We love the pictures of you and the water bottle, Thor!
Congratulations on your awards!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Thor -

It looks like you had another good weekend at the dog park. I (Hershey) would have fun playing with Scooby in the mud.

Congratulations on your awards.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Audrey the Photographer Dog said...

Looks like so much fun!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, that really looks very muddy! But you look quite clean, Thor!

Honey the Great Dane

Olive said...


Love the Halloween decorations..spooky.. :)

You had a great time in those pictures!! I wish I were there.


Olive :)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Thor!
That doggie in the mudd sure was having fun!
Glad you had a great time at the park!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We love the many shades of golden!!! Cute bassett and shar-pei pic. And oh that mud, hope they have hoses there before all you pups get back in your vehicles:)

Tail wags, the OP Pack

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Thor, how come you weren't in the muddy pool? We would be so in there!

Sam & June

Scout and Freyja said...

We kept waitin' fur a photo of the little white pooch playin' in the mud with the little Jack Russel! You are always surrounded by so furry many friends at the park. You must have minty fresh breath☺

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are like a social butterfly with all your friends!
And congrats on your awards!

✿A 'n' L✿ said...

Good for you to have pawsome time at the park. Hope we can join you too. (T_T) Wish Kak Noi have more time and errrrrr.. bring us to play at the park too. Heeeeeeee~

Alex & Lolo

Anonymous said...

Hey Thor,
We always loved the dogpark! But we dont get to go that much. Loved the pictures. Thanks for stopping back by our blog. Your Golden Vibes are really helping!!! Maya is back to her normal self. But she still has to take her medician.

Licks and slobbers
The Fl.SunDog Trio

Farley said...

Thor, we are impressed with how you drink out of the water bottle! What a great day at the park - I can't believe how dirty that little dog got in the mud. Congrats on your awards :)

Sue said...

Scooby was sure having fun in the mud. I guess he probably got a bath when he got home. I'm glad you stayed out of the mud. We would have right in there with him.
The Porties

Lexi the Dane Puppy said...

Hello Thor,
I'm Lexi, new to the blogging world, it's nice to meet you :)

Wow there are so many differnt doggies at the park, and that was a big 5months old retriever!!

I love retrievers, my parson trains service dogs and most of them are retrievers so I get to play with them ALOT it's great becasue they place so nicely!

You are a very handsome one though! The red colour is stunning - we don't get that colour retrievers her in NZ :(


Yogui said...

Felicidades por los premios... aunque por lo visto en el parque quizás ese fue el mejor premio de todos, estar con los amigos y los amigos de tus amigos y los amigos de los amigos de tus amigos y...

Marjie said...

We think you were the most handsome guy at the park, and that you have the best name!

Drools from Thor!

bbes tribe said...

What an awesome day of fun and friends at the dog park. That is one of our favorite things to do.
Great pics of your friends and congratulations on the awards. You deserve it.
Ernie & Sasha

Ben said...

That is what I call an adventure.

Kess And Her Mama said...

What a wonderful outing to catch up with all your doggie friends. I don't suppose it's really Gatorade you're drinking, right? Just water in a Gatorade bottle???

kishiko said...

Hi Thor!
It looks like you had a great time with your friends!
Happy Halloween!