Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

São Paulo, Spring, 32°C


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I love cool tile on a warm day too Thor!!!

You are such a beautiful boy!!!


JacksDad said...

They never want to sleep in case they might miss something! :)

Martha said...

A dog has to keep cool! And keep an eye on things......
Martha & Bailey xxx

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Hi Thor,

Are you keeping watch there..hehe

~ Holly & Zac ~

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Cold tile floor is so nice to lay on when it's hot out!

Sam & June

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Cool and oh so handsome!!! Dreaming sweet dreams of your special girl?

Play bows, the OP Pack

Van Dog said...

Que calor, Thor! Por aqui começa finalmente a arrefecer... Mas ainda andamos nos 18, 20 graus.
Bom Verão!

Sierra Rose said...

Hi sweet pal!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Ya nappy time...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Nano Frontera. said...

Amigooo qué calor!!! nada mejor que el piso para estar fresquito y tiradoo jaja patitaaaa guau guau

Mochi and Bali said...

Cute picture! :) Happy Wednesday!


Farley said...

Your face is like an angel Thor - my Mom wants to snuggle you.

Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Poor Thor, are you hot? It was 1 degree C here this morning, you could come visit us.

Tucker and Daisy

Valerie Cummings said...

Oh the cool tile! You are such a pretty color! Hugs Joey and Kealani

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Too warm fur me!

I'm glad woo have the khool tile!


Unknown said...

Oh yes... don't move. I positioned my fan to blow on you too. Keep cool.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Thor!
Sure you had a nice, lazy and warm wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Ben said...

My brother Lance sleeps on the tile all year you like tile over fluffy beds?

Cocorue said...

oh you're brave as the tile is too cold for my hiney and

i've perfected the way to sit......with my hiney NEVER touching the tile bol.......


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Yikes, 32°C? That's really hot! No wonder you like the cool tiles...I would too! *grins*


✿A 'n' L✿ said...

Hi Thor,
You mean you just lay down all the long???
We love both pictures! Told you, you're really handsome dog!

Alexia & Lolo

Amber said...

Hii thor! you look so comfy! I love the lay on cooling tiles too!

big licks!

Golden Samantha said...

Napping's so great, but so important to keep an eye out on things! You are so bootiful!
Hugs xo

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Stay cool, Thor!!!! Cute pic!!

lotsa licks,

Ruby and Penny said...

Try the bathtub Thor.
Love Ruby & Penny

Euri said...

Thor, tiles are cool aren't they? You have a beautiful coat by the way.

Yogui said...

Buen finde amigo...

i said...

You look lovestruck! Hehehe...must be dreaming of your pretty girl!

Duke said...

Are you in a trance, Thor?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Piappies World said...

Hi Thor,

We are so happy to meet you! Thanks for visiting us and being out friend. We are excited to share our adventures from now on.

Hope you have a relaxing weekend. =)

- Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies

Happy Maggie (Sharpei) said...

Wow! Aqui na minha cidade está fazendo 37ºC. Pense no calor!!! Nestas horas eu queria estar tosada amigo.

Augie and Ti's mom said...

Ahh, nice cool tile!

Byron y Xinver said...

Hi. Spring weather there is being like fall weather here, too hot!


Well, what else is there to do on a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.............???

Riley and Star.

Unknown said...

Still to hot to move I see.. hold on.. I turn the fan on high.

Adoro-vos Cães said...

Mesmo querido ^^


Teal'c said...

32!? That's nothing we have 41 today!!! Soooooo hot that my dad got the little plastic baby pool thingy out for me :)
xx Teal'c